Don't expect any photos in front of the school. We haven't gotten that far yet. The transition into a French speaking Swiss school has been exciting enough, trying to get the two banshees to pose for a back to school shot might put them over the edge! Henry and Elsa both started school on the 25th of August. Today we finish week two. phew. I am humbled by how well these two have handled it. They have been so courageous. I'm glad they're mine!
The school doors open at 8:00 AM, but they have until 8:45 AM to arrive. We usually leave the house at 8:30 AM. Today we actually got there right at 8:00 AM and witnessed the process. All of the children gather according to classes and their teachers come and get their class. Classes enter the school one at a time. It's quite calm and orderly. The kids loved being early. Maybe we'll try it again sometime.
They come home for lunch at 11:30 AM and stay home until 1:30 PM. It is nice to have them home for lunch. It gives Henry a chance to relax before going back to school until 4:00 PM. So, I have 6 trips to the school dropping off and picking up. My day is busy.
Henry started a "French as a Second Language" class this week. Half of his day is spent at a different school across town. Monday and Tuesday he goes in the morning and Thursday and Friday he goes in the afternoon. I am so glad he is in this class, it will really help his French.
The kids are adjusting well. It is scary and they will usually say they don't want to go to school, but when it comes down to it-they go. Henry has never complained about going back in the afternoon. They must enjoy their teachers and the students. From what I've seen all of the children are very nice and try to include Henry and Elsa. Their teachers are also very nice and keep me posted on how they are doing.
Elsa's teacher has really gotten a kick out of her. Elsa has refused to paint in class because she doesn't like the painting smocks that I've bought her. I've bought two! The other day her teacher said "Elsa won't stay in her chair." I said, "Oh really? Who is she sitting next to?" The teacher replied, "two boys." I knew exactly what the problem was. When I asked Elsa why she wasn't staying in her seat she said, "I don't want to sit next to a chubby boy and a thin boy!" ahh yes.
Part II.
I haven't posted this in what four weeks? I don't know why, maybe I thought a picture would be possible after all. Well no. There is still no back to school photo. Elsa still complains about going to school every morning, but really I think it is just habit. She always has a nice time. I continue to be amazed at my children. They are so brave. I love them for that and try to give them so many extra hugs and kisses.
Maybe next week we'll get a photo.