Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fall in the Alps

These photos are from our trip to the Jungfrau region a couple of weeks ago. Beautiful. We stayed on the Thuner See. It was just a lovely way to enjoy the changing of the seasons. It has been nice entering our second season in Switzerland.


Walt said...
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Wow!! These are beautiful pictures. What an amazing experience for your kids. Your kids are adorable too. You daughter looks a lot like you doesn't she. We are having some amazing fall color this year as well. I think with the warm fall we had, the colors were able to really shine.

I loved your Halloween tales as well. I'm glad you get your hands on some all American M&Ms. We enjoy the simple things in life don't we!!

Maddie and April Lloyd said...

Gorgeous! I am glad you guys are enjoying your time there. By the way, can you email me your new mailing address? Thanks! -April

Alison said...

Fall in the Alps!!! Oh how beautiful! Looks like Henry is missing a few teeth. =) Very cute.

Kimberly said...

I love that you guys make the most of your moments there. It's so beauitful!