Nana came to visit and we decided to take her somewhere we've all wanted to visit, Mont St. Michele. Our trip turned out to be quite an art tour.
Our first stop was in Rouen, which is famous for its cathedral that Monet painted over and over. . .

We arrived after a long day of driving and we were all very very hungary. I asked the security man at the department store to suggest a good restaurant. It wasn't quite 7:00 PM so most of the restaurants weren't open. He told me to go a few blocks to a creperie. I wasn't sure what we'd find-a place to sit down or a concession stand. It turned out to be the highlight meal of the trip. At least for me! I order a crepe with raclette cheese and potatoes topped with a generous portion of cured ham. The pickles on the side were nabbed by Elsa before I could get them on my fork. It's probably what she has in her mouth when the picture was taken. Delicious!! And the waiter brought out the most generous cups of hot cocoa to warm our chilled selves.

I love the reminders all around me that we live in a very old country. Going to the bathroom felt like a trip to the medieval past. The bathroom itself was very modern and clean.

how wonderful!
Love visitors, and I'm only in Texas. Can't believe all you have to offer your visitors. So fun!
O' how good is raclette? I could eat it every day, though I'd be sooooo fat.
I love looking at all of your pictures and seeing so many of your amazing adventures in Europe.
Do you know what you're having? So excited for you and your crew.
Adventure of going to the bathroom. You could do a book.
I just tried the only email I had for you and it was bounced back. Will you please send me your new one for a Christmas Card email style.
Thanks! Stacey
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