Monday, March 2, 2009

Ansel is social!

The social life of the third child-or any child after the first- is really an after thought. We have recently discovered how much Ansel enjoys his buddies. Yesterday I asked Ansel if we were buddies. "Abrham's my buddy!" He quickly informed me. Then he mentioned all of his friends in nursery by name. I guess a few playdates may be headed his way.


4lakedames said...

that kid has some serious attitude! said...

What a darlin' boy! So true about the playdates for #3 or #4. Their playdates are #1 and #2. Sometimes we "fall into" a playdate and I remember how glorious they are.

GregandAmyFish said...

Of course he is social - look at his mom and dad!

jessi said...

Abram is always ready for a play date with his buddy, Ansel! Being that Abram is my child #1, we are coming over again soon!

Kimberly said...

My #3 is a social one as well, but she doesn't get it from her mom!