My goal upon moving to Switzerland was to integrate myself as much into my community as possible. I know this is a difficult thing for a foreigner. When the school sent home a sheet looking for volunteers I thought, "Here's my big chance." I sent the form back with a big check on the "Yes." or "Oui."
When I had to miss the meeting because it was the same evening as the Primary activity I was pretty bummed. But then the school called me and asked me if I was still interested. Sure. Then they asked me to write an application 500 words or less why I'd be qualified for the job. Whatever this is Switzerland. The PTA could be that intense.
Three days after I submitted my application I go to pick up the kids for school and find it on the front door of the school translated into French!

Apparantly I wasn't joining the PTA but running for the school board. Rad.
Bummer, I didn't win. The election was last weekend. Apparantly voter turn out is a problem. I received 9 votes and the winner received 15. His name is M. Schweizer. Translated that means Mr. Swiss Man. I can't consider losing my first Swiss election to a man named "Swiss Man" a loss.