The Davis family arrived on the 9th of August. It was fun having them with us for a few days before they ventured off to Germany and other parts of Switzerland. They'll be back this Saturday for a few more days. Henry and Elsa have loved playing with their cousins. Jacob is great for wrestling with Henry and Matty keeps both of them busy most of the time. She even reads Elsa stories at night until she falls asleep-which is no easy task. Ansel took a special liking to Lisa. I'm stunned. He usually won't go to any woman, especially if I'm around. It was sweet to see him climb right on Lisa's lap and let her hold him. We can't wait until they come back.
We visited the Castle Chillon which is about an hour away in Montreux. It was one of the best castles I've been to. It was very kid friendly and also furnished. Henry loved it. He was running from room to room wanting to know all about the people who lived there or were imprisoned there. The whole way home he talked non-stop about what it would be like to be a knight. I'm sure glad he got that knight set for Christmas.

Lisa, Laura, Matty, Elsa and Ansel waiting for the bus outside of our apartment. We spent the day downtown Geneva. We should have taken pictures when we got home. Waiting for the bus was the only time it wasn't raining. After more than three hours we were drenched.

Matty, Elsa, Henry, Jacob, April and Ron

So the kids were treated to a ride on a carousel during our downtown jaunt. I tried to get Ansel to sit on a horse, but he would have none of it. He saw this race car on the way to the horse and it was all over.