In true Christensen fashion, we've got another climber! To our surprise Ansel hasn't started walking yet (Henry and Elsa were both walking before their first birthday). He is well on his way and accepting no help from anyone. If you even suggest you help him, he just sits down. Does that say anything about his personality?

The other day I left the bathroom to get Henry and Elsa in the tub. When I returned I found Ansel in the tub with his pajamas on, he had scaled the tub! Yikes.
Classic! Clothes in the tub! Love it! Well...all I can say about the walking thing...He'll do it eventually as you know. My kids were all 16+ months! But none of them are climbers either, whew!
Oh Ansel...what a dear. This post reminded me of when Elsa got stuck in the bathroom because she pulled out the little drawer by the sink and no one could get the door open.
Gotta love a climber. Gotta love those cheeks. Gotta love pj's in the tub...all wet. Gotta love him huh?
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