Just randomly I asked Ansel what his favorite paintings in our house were. He launched right into an explanation, so I had to pull out my phone to record him. Apparently, he doesn't care about the Terpsikhorovs (sorry, Nana). He's a much bigger fan of Brad Aldridge.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
First Family Football Game
Last week, we went to our first high school football game. High school football in Texas is a lot different from high school football when I played. For starters, we didn't have a jumbotron.
The kids had a great time. They especially liked the hot cocoa, popcorn and Frito pie. Louisa was a big fan of waving the rally sign.
And as with all events that go on past 9:30 pm, this one eventually put the Booch to sleep.

Friday, July 29, 2011
Banshee Artists
Hi. This is Greg guest-posting.
The editing company I work with in Dallas had their 3rd annual art show last night. Their own artists and their friends are given 10"x 10" canvases, which are sold for $50 each, with all the money being donated to the local children's hospital.
There were some really amazing pieces there last night. This one was painted by a guy who was one of the chief artists on The Iron Giant.
This was a great 3D piece. Sorry it's such a blurry picture.
So our kids made $150 for the Children's Museum, and they've all sold exactly as many canvases as Vincent Van Gogh did in his lifetime. Can't wait for next year's exhibit.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
On the Road Again
We just made the drive from Utah back to Dallas, taking a slightly different route this time.

On our way to Santa Fe, we noticed a brown highway sign for a Mormon Battalion Monument. We figured we'd better stop. It was kind of cool. Although there sure were a lot of broken beer bottles nearby. Hope it wasn't from a recent Mutual activity.

The last day of the trip, we drove from Amarillo to Plano. As you might imagine, we have no pictures of that worth posting.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
We Like Ike!
We just drove from Texas to Utah for the 4th of July. (Actually for most of July.)

One of the highlights from the trip was stopping at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Museum and Library in Abilene, Kansas.

We have a goal to visit all of the Presidential Libraries with our kids. Not sure how long that's going to take, but with the LBJ and Bush Senior libraries about three hours south of Dallas, Clinton's just northeast in Arkansas, and George W's planned just down the street from us at SMU for 2013, we'll get a pretty good start.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Visit Wrench Works
Greg's starting a new blog for the summer, inspired by this DIY article in Wired. It's called Wrench Works. Take a look. Should be fun.

Legally, I don't think I can ask you to click on the banner ads on the site. But I can probably tell you that all revenue (probably 36 cents-worth) will go to the kids' college funds.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Freshly-Painted Room
A while back, we decided we'd had enough with the color of our room. I'm not sure what the label on the bucket said, but I'd describe the color of our walls as "Vomited Orange Juice."
Friday, March 18, 2011
Dallas Museum of Art
Last week we went to the Dallas Museum of Art. After visiting the Kimball over President's Day, we were expecting another nice, but small museum. We were in for a big surprise.

Elsa loves Georgie O'Keeffe, and we were glad the DMA has two of her works on display. (Elsa' is posing with her Flat Stanley.)
Not sure who painted this. But it made us a little homesick. It's offers a better view than the one we had when we visited it in person.
In the Asian and Pacific art section, Elsa discovered these warriors. Apparently this art really spoke to her.

We had a great night at the DMA. We only stayed an hour (hard to do more than that with four kids in a "do-not-touch" museum). But it was a great victory for us when we were leaving to have Elsa ask, "Can we come back here tomorrow?"
Henry's Big Guns
Last weekend, Henry went with his scout troop to Camp Wisdom to fire some BB guns and get his shooting pin. Here he is outside the fort with his friend Jack.
That's a real Red Rider BB gun he's firing. And no one shot their eyes out.
They didn't bring a flag for the Pledge of Allegiance. But the one on Henry's sleeve worked just fine.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Fort Worth
We took our first trip to Fort Worth for President's Day. We started off with a trip to the Kimbell Museum. Not exactly the Louvre or the Chicago Art Institute, but it's free and they did have a Cezane and a Monet.

Not sure who this is a picture of (someone Spanish), but Elsa's doing her best impersenation of him.
Later we went to the Stockyards. This is real Texas. We saw people with hats and boots and missing teeth and everything. Twice a day, they bring the cattle out into the streets. We couldn't believe the size of these horns! Everything's bigger in Texas. (This street, by the way, was full of BBQ joints and smelled fantastic. Wonder if the cows knew how much better they'd be smelling with a little dry rub.)
We ate lunch at Joe T. Garcia's - a restaurant that's been recommended to us ever since we landed last May. The food was good, but Greg and I still think it's pretty tough to be Chuy's. Although Ansel seemed to appreciate the meditation pool.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Elsa turns 7!
Elsa's birthday was on February 19th. She made a pretty good haul. I think Henry's used the pogo stick more than she has. When she finished opening up her presents she said the words no parent who was up until midnight getting a party ready wants to hear: "You know what I really wanted?"
Hesitantly we asked her. "More birthday cards," she said. We explained that birthday cards usually don't come from parents (at least until you're in college), and that she'd be getting some from her friends later that day. That brightened her up. And other that having another confirmation that she's a little nuts, we were very relieved, too.
This year's theme was an Artist's Party. My cousin Brittany, who is an excellent illustrator, came to show the girls how to draw Tinkerbell and unicorns (and the girls' renditions were surprisingly good). While Brittany had the illustrators at one station, girls at another station were painting their canvases.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Oh, you're sick, are you?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Henry's introduction to the NBA
Greg took Henry to his first NBA game last night. It was the Mavericks vs. the Cavs. It looks like Henry's gagging at the Tyson Chandler poster, but it was just his eight-year-old brain confusing machismo aggression with excitement.

Final score
Mavs: 99
Cavs: 96
Henry: Super happy
Is that you, Texas?
Last week, we were hit with some crazy snow. Tuesday, the roads were so iced over, newscasters were telling people as early as 6am to stay off the highways. Greg worked from home. And school was closed for the rest of the week.
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