Elsa's birthday was on February 19th. She made a pretty good haul. I think Henry's used the pogo stick more than she has. When she finished opening up her presents she said the words no parent who was up until midnight getting a party ready wants to hear: "You know what I really wanted?"
Hesitantly we asked her. "More birthday cards," she said. We explained that birthday cards usually don't come from parents (at least until you're in college), and that she'd be getting some from her friends later that day. That brightened her up. And other that having another confirmation that she's a little nuts, we were very relieved, too.
This year's theme was an Artist's Party. My cousin Brittany, who is an excellent illustrator, came to show the girls how to draw Tinkerbell and unicorns (and the girls' renditions were surprisingly good). While Brittany had the illustrators at one station, girls at another station were painting their canvases.
holy AWESOME cake! Good job Greg on making that!! hee!!
I love that ELSA is the nut she is! What a lovely nut!
Cant wait to use that pogo stick! I used that on my mission for exercise!
Hope mom tries it out!
That cake is out of this world!!
Happy Birthday Elsa, a little late! What a party and what a cake! Was it delicious or just extremely fun or all of the above?
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