Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit and we took a trip to Northern Italy. I served my mission in Milan and have returned several times since, but this was the first time I'd seen the Duomo clean. Way to go Milan!
The kids loved walking around the outside of the Duomo and finding recognizable figures-the apostles. I think Elsa with her stoic pose is pretending to be a statue.

After Milan we stopped in "fair Verona" to visit the scene of Romeo and Juliet. It was a beautiful city that has profited from some great fiction.
Greg and I outside "the balcony."

We stayed outside of Venice at the home of our friend's father. He had a wonderful place and was so kind. He took Henry on his first motorcycle ride! Henry was nervous at first, but was beaming once he decided to go ahead and ride. We visited Venice of course. This picture was taken on top of the parking garage.

We visited new cities like Cittadella and Lake Garda that were beautiful and charming. In great Italian style we ate plenty of great pasta and ate lots of gelato!
Viva Italia!