Our car's keyless remote has been acting a bit strange lately. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes it works when it shouldn't. That's how Ansel got locked in the car today. I set my keys on the driver's seat, like I've done for about five years. Apparantly the pressure of the fall locked the car. I had no idea, and when I shut the door to go to my seat, realized I'd locked myself out and my little boy in.
For the first five minutes I wasn't panicked. The store security will just get their slim jim and me and Ansel will be on our way.
Ansel wasn't worried he had an entire bag of groceries to dive into.
Then the security arrived. He acted like he'd never had to deal with this in his life. The child in the back seat was entirely new.
He went back in the store for reinforcements.
I began to be puzzled. Maybe I've misunderstood. My French is pretty rudimentary and he was speaking pretty fast.
An older couple saw my plight and came to give me support. Plus, they spoke English.
Two new security guards arrived, both shaking their heads. I'm still calm.
My feisty translator informed them they must call the local dealership and send them to get us out of this mess right away. The security guards seemed like they obeyed, but I couldn't believe what they came away telling me. We would have to break the glass to get into the car. My car is too secure to break into. What?
Fifteen minutes have passed and Ansel is starting to get hot. My fan club surrounding me is getting bigger and questioning my sanity. How could she possibly not know she locked the doors? Why wasn't she holding the keys? Why doesn't she have any friends? Why does she not even know how to get a hold of her husband? It's shocking. But. . . they all stayed.
Twenty minutes later we get a hold of Greg. (I remember I do have a friend who is also smart enough to use the internet. Apparantly the store wasn't. She quickly located Greg's work number and gave him a call). But it's really too late to try and locate a spare key. Ansel has beads of sweat forming on his neck! The sweltering 60 degrees is still way too hot inside the car.
The fire truck and police arrive in five minutes. The passenger's side window is broken. They scoop up Ansel with urgency and care. Then pour a bottle of water over his head. He's just fine, but keeps telling me the firman broke glass in his eye.
I'm still not quite sure what that means. There is definitely glass everywhere but none of it near his little body or beautiful blue eyes. I'm so grateful for that.
My new friends stick around to make sure we're all right and even clear the glass off my seat so I can drive home and pick up my kids from school. Their bell just rang.