They say the newness of a move abroad wears off at about six months. That is the expat trend. Henry is definitely following the trend. The last two weeks before Christmas break he really didn't want to go to school (except for his intense French school-where he's with a few other kids learning French together). Now that the break is over, he still is having a hard time. This isn't normal I don't like school. It's lonelier and sadder than that. It's been sad to see him struggle. Gratefully, we make it out the door. Even if we are a few minutes late.
Monday afternoon I encouraged him to go promising he'd come home to these-
It worked.
This morning was harder. I try not to bribe. He has to go to school.
When he came home he was fine, and laughing with his sister.
In the break down of all former relationships if this one is strengthened, it is worth it.

Henry is a happy well-liked boy. His family has will buoy his confidence and he'll have friends at school soon.
that makes me feel so sad! I am glad some cookies can sometimes do the works for me!
I wish Atticus and I could come over! That would make him happy, A?
Got the box the other day. Both kids were thrilled with their toys and Benny & I can't wait for a welcome home just the 2 of us fondue party! thanks a ton!!
my french is horrible....
the hour that it will work?
Nick is having a hard time making friends in Elko too. That is so sad to have little guys that are so lonely and sad. It makes me wanna cry for them and go to school with them (or just be their teacher).
okay so I just shed more tears than I planned too on a thursday night. how 'bout y'all come home???
je suis ananas
I can tell he is happy at home, but it is so sad to watch your children struggle. We'll remember ya'll in our prayers!
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