Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Dangerous House

Typically our children haven't seemed very accident prone. We don't go through band-aids very quickly and just don't see much first-aid action. . . until last weekend. Friday afternoon Ansel cut his pinky on a can that fell out of the recycling bin. It doesn't look too terrible, but it took a good ten minutes to stop the bleeding. We ended up taking him to the Dr. on Saturday because it just kept reopening and bleeding. It's pretty difficult to keep a band-aid on a little one. It was a good move. The Dr. glued it shut and diagnosed him with bronchitis. I love those two for one visits! Sunday Elsa fell off the chair and pulled a huge iron bowl on top of her. Yikes! Warning this picture looks like we're taking the picture in a fun house mirror, but we didn't. She is however, obviously still terrorized from the fall.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Watch out, things happen in threes at our house! Hope everyone is feeling better!