As I'm putting this together, I realize that I just am not that good a taking pictures. I have very few pictures to document this trip. On our drive out we made a list of some of the things we wanted to do while visiting Salt Lake.
1. Visit the Alpine slide in Park City:

2. Ride horses:

Funny story--Henry panicked when we got home and Paul was outside riding horses. All of his jeans were in the washer. A cowboy has to ride a horse with jeans on. Fortunately it was really hot outside; Henry had mustered up the courage (the most positive way of looking at the situation) and came outside with totally wet jeans on. He met up with Paul and said, "It's a good thing I have wet jeans on to keep me and the horse cool."
3. Go camping with Grandpa Bob and Co.
4. Visit the castle park:

5. Drive big machinery with Uncle John:

6. Swim at Nana's every day: We did and we have no pictures! Elsa had her first experience almost drowning. It was very traumatic for her and me. She still tells everyone she sees or meets since the trip the story. It goes something like this. "I went underwater at my Nana's house and almost drowned. Kaylie my friend saved me and pulled me out (Kaylie is three too)! My mom said Kaylie is a hero." She is! Thanks Kaylie!
We had such a great time in Salt Lake. We saw all our family and friends and just had a wonderful time. Thanks to all of you who made it so special for my children. Too much time will pass before we see you all again.